
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Challenge- The End

Well, my loss isn't going to win me anything but I can't find it in me to care. I still have 3 lbs to lose before New Year's to meet my very modest goal of 218, but considering it is beyond clear that I need a fill in the worst way, I'm happy with my slow but steady loss. (Fill is scheduled for the first week in January-- soonest I can do it because of travel).

So, my starting weight was:

And my ending weight is:

(Please ignore the shadows-- I promise I am wearing underwear.)

On a related note, look at those feet! I am clearly not going to be one of you "losers" who ends up in a smaller shoe size. My right foot is very stubbornly holding onto a size 9 (my left foot would always prefer a 8.5, but sacrifices for the right foot).

ETA: Oh! As of this morning, I am now over halfway to my goal! 72lbs lost, 71 to go!


  1. 14lbs is a awesome weight loss for a 6 week challenge! That is over 2lbs a week! You are doing great!

  2. I love the starting picture of your weight and today's picture! Its awesome! I'm new to your blog and enjoyed reading the last few posts. I look forward to reading more of your old posts. I'm impressed with your progress thus far. I think I'm going to start posting pictures of my feet/my scale. I've seen it before, but I just think its really a great way for me to appreciate how far I'm "going to go" and look back at my own feet registering those old numbers. I think it will give me a greater appreciation for my progress. Anyway - good luck with the 3lbs by New Years! I think you've done pretty darn well in the past 6 weeks - 14lbs is a great accomplishment.

  3. 14 lbs is AMAZING!!! I'm so impressed!!! Keep it up! AND way to go on getting to the half way point!
